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You may qualify for disability income!

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New Hampshire Social Security Disability

If you live in New Hampshire and need to file for disability benefits, please complete our free evaluation to see if you may qualify for benefits and if we can help you.

With over 30 years of experience and thousands of claims successfully closed for our clients all across the nation. Premier Disability Services, LLC® is a name you can trust to help you get the Social Security Disability Benefits you deserve.

No matter where you live in the United States our team of professionals will handle your case without having to leave your home.

With our help, you will never have to visit a Social Security Office during the process of applying. You can focus on dealing with your medical conditions while we communicate with the Social Security Administration and State Agencies.

In the event you claim is denied and advanced to the hearing stage we will appear with you in front of an administrative law judge. The location of that hearing will depend on your residential address. Below are the hearing locations in New Hampshire.

SSA Hearing Office Locations

Manchester, NH 03104

Office Judges Cases Pending Hearing Wait Time (Months) Processing Time (Days)
Manchester 9 2,434 11.0 375
State Average: 11.0 375
National Average: 17.3 577