Posts in:March, 2016

Social Security Unveils Plan to Reduce Hearing Backlog

Posted March 11, 2016 by Premier Disability Services, LLC® The National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) included a fascinating article in their February newsletter about the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) plan to reduce the wait times once a claimant reaches the hearing level. The plan is known as Compassionate and Responsive Service (CARES). Some of the key initiatives are briefly detailed below:
• Hire more Administrative Law Judges and support staff
• Use Attorney Adjudicators to hear certain cases (i.e. remands, non-disability claims)
• Expand the National Adjudication Team
• Accelerate the pre-hearing conference pilot

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Posted March 3, 2016 by Premier Disability Services, LLC® The month of March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. In February 2000, President Clinton dedicated the month of March to awareness of cancers that affect the colon and/or rectum.[1] Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in the United States and causes the second most deaths from cancer.[2] (more…)