FAQ: The Date Last Insured

Posted January 7, 2016 by Premier Disability Services, LLC® 1. What is the Date Last Insured?

For Social Security Disability benefits, the date last insured (DLI) is the last day of the quarter a claimant meets insured status for disability or blindness. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are much like an insurance policy. As we work we pay into Social Security through FICA taxes. When an individual stops working due to a disability (or otherwise), they stop paying into the Social Security system. Eventually, their coverage will expire on a particular date. This date is known as the date last insured.

2. Why is the Date Last Insured Important?

When claimants file for Social Security Disability benefits, they must allege a date they became disabled and unable to engage in substantial gainful activity. This date is known as the Alleged Onset Date. In order to be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, a claimant must allege disability and be found disabled on a date prior to the date last insured.
Please note that a claimant can apply for SSDI benefits after their date last insured. However, the date they allege disability must be prior to the date last insured.

3. What if I am found disabled after my date last insured?

If a claimant is determined to be disabled after their date last insured, they will not be eligible for the SSDI (also known as Title II) benefits. Depending on their income level and value of their assets, the claimant may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

4. What can I do to avoid being found disabled after my date last insured?

There are times when a claimant’s medical evidence simply does not support disability prior to the date last insured. This is often the case where a claimant was unable to treat due to lack of insurance prior to the date last insured. This is also common where a condition progressed to a point where it was disabling after the date last insured.

With that said, there are steps a claimant can take to support a finding that they are disabled prior to the date last insured. A statement from a treating physician establishing a claimant’s diagnosis, limitations, and date of disability can be very helpful for this purpose. Also, claimants should be sure to include all relevant treatment information on their application for benefits. Even if a claimant does not currently treat with a particular doctor, the treatment records may establish disability prior to the date last insured.

5. How can I find out my date last insured?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has local field offices who are dedicated to providing claimants with this information. To obtain your date last insured, you can contact your local field office over the phone or in person. To find your local office, use this link to SSA’s Office Locator: https://www.ssa.gov/locator

By: Devon Brady of Premier Disability Services, LLC®