Reconsideration Denied: Should I Just Give Up?

Posted March 26, 2016 by Premier Disability Services, LLC® The answer is a resounding no. If a claimant’s initial application for Social Security Disability benefits is denied, the next step is to request reconsideration . Data shows that the vast majority of reconsideration appeals will be denied. Unfortunately, this is a necessary step for most claimants. It is important not to get discouraged and abandon your claim completely.

It is easy to lose hope after being denied twice by the Social Security Administration. The process of obtaining disability benefits is long and arduous. It can take multiple years before some claimants receive benefits and a significant number will not do so until after a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).

Even though obtaining benefits at the Reconsideration Level can be very difficult, below are a few ways to improve your chances of being awarded at that level:

• Speak with your doctor about completing a statement on your behalf detailing the severity of your impairments. This statement should generally include: diagnoses, objective findings, your limitations, and the date these limitations apply.
• Continue treating for your impairments. Treatment is very important as Social Security will rely on your treatment records to determine the severity of your impairments.
• Comply with Social Security’s requests for appointments and documentation. Failure to return a form or attend an appointment could lead to a denial.
• Communicate your treatment information with Social Security in an accurate, complete manner. Social Security will request medical records from your treatment providers. However, if they have an incorrect name or address for a doctor, they generally do not take steps to remedy the mistake.

The various appeal levels of the Social Security Disability process can be quite daunting for claimants. It can be helpful to hire an experienced representative who can work with you to make sure the steps detailed above are taken. If you are filing for Social Security Disability benefits and thinking of hiring a representative, please contact us for a free evaluation of your claim.

By: Devon Brady of Premier Disability Services, LLC®


Unless you are located in a Prototype state. Prototype states do not have a reconsideration level. The Following states/areas do not have reconsideration levels : Alabama, Alaska, California (Los Angeles North and Los Angeles West Branches only), Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, and Pennsylvania