Why the Work History Report is Important

Posted June 25, 2023 by Premier Disability Services, LLC®

When filing for disability, Social Security will send you a document title “Work History Report” for you to fill out. But why do they do that? Why do they want to know what work you did? Can’t you just attach a resume and that would be good enough?
Actually, the way that Social Security Disability works requires proof that you are unable to perform work that you have done in the past 15 years.[1] Such work is known as “Past Relevant Work”.

“Well they have my tax records, so why can’t they just look at what my previous job was?”

While your tax records do contain your earnings and where you work, they don’t tell Social Security what exactly you did at that job. A “sales clerk” could be a person sitting behind a desk and answering phones or it could be someone who is in a store lifting and carrying product to a register to scan. So it is important that Social Security knows exactly what it is that you did in your past job.

The Work History Report is a primary way for Social Security to determine your past work.[2] As such, it is very important for you to include specific details about your past jobs in it. If some details are lacking, a judge may misinterpret what your past work actually was and it may lead to a denial. The most important information that judges look at is job title, lifting or carrying requirements, and how long you were standing, walking, or sitting during a typical workday.

We at Premier Disability Services understand just how important the Work History Report is to a disability case, so if you are struggling feel free to give us a call and we can assist you!

By: Devon Brady of Premier Disability Services, LLC®

[1] See 20 CFR 404.1560

[2] See 20 CFR 404.1560