Why is my case being “remanded” and what does this mean?

Posted October 13, 2015 by Premier Disability Services, LLC® If a claim is denied by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), the next level of appeal for a claimant is the Appeals Council. If a claimant submits a request for review to the Appeals Council, they will review the request to determine whether to grant, deny, or dismiss the request. If the request for review is granted, the Appeals Council will either overturn the denial or remand the case back to the ALJ. The chances of having a claim overturned by the Appeals Council are very low. As a result, the more likely path to success for a claimant who appeals to the Appeals Council is to have their case remanded.

VA Ratings and Social Security Disability

Posted October 2, 2015 by Premier Disability Services, LLC® We often receive questions from frustrated clients wondering why their Social Security Disability claim was denied when the Veterans’ Administration (VA) has rated them as 100% disabled. The reason is that the standards used to determine disability in both programs are different. Due to the difference in the programs, Social Security (SSA) is not required to follow the determination made by the VA. However, a VA rating can constitute compelling evidence supporting a Social Security Disability claim.

September is Ovarian/Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Posted September 25, 2015 by Premier Disability Services, LLC® The month of September is ovarian and prostate cancer awareness month. Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer where malignant cancer cells form in a woman’s ovaries. Because ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer of the female reproductive system, it is extremely important to take the appropriate steps to screen for the disease and begin early treatment if it is diagnosed.